Destinations and awards that I have achieved so far are only from working in the landscape industry, I am looking forward to get into more interior design competitions and also moving forward with completing more goals with interiors. I believe I am a person with too many dreams and goals, there are too many things in life that I wanted to complete but with very little time. Getting an award made me feel I stepped up a level of achievement again, but the work that needs to be done to win an award is very intense; and unfortunately I am obsess with the pace, constantly running (or should I say "flying") to get to the next level in life. I always tell my friends, if I sleep more than 6 hours a day, that means my slow down time.
2010 Global
AquaTekture Visionary Awards (GAVA) Award
(Nov 7, 2010, Las
Vegas, NV) GAVA: Global AquaTekture
Visionary Awards announces the winners for the 2010 competition during the
annual GAVA Awards Reception held November 2, 2010 in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. Presented by Three V Enterprises, a Las Vegas
based corporation, GAVA transcends beyond the traditional water-themed design
awards by hosting an integrated world-wide competition open to design
professionals of all genres dedicated to influencing and creating
thought-provoking solutions.
Woodbridge Residence Design & Construction Winning Project
2009 Awards of Excellence
Woodbridge Residence - Residential Construction - Lighting Design & Installation - Water features - Special
Interest King Street Project: - Special Interest - Place of Business - Commercial
2007 Awards of Excellence
Design Award - Lakeshore Residence - Hand Rendering Concept Plan