My Creations...
Every time I made something, it is usually a gift for someone. My friends always ask me if I would be love my creations too much and didn't want to give it away, well the answer to that is "no." I don't miss my creations, in fact, I can't wait to see the smile on the face of whom I give it to. I love making little gifts for someone's birthday, and I always try to explore different media when I do so. The material that I always use is air dry clay, because it is convient, but media such as food and recyclable material is what I am trying to explore recently. Many of my friends know that when I get old, I wanted to own a craft and gifts cafe. One day when I get out of my busy life, I will make these little gift everyday and sell them in my own store. Can't' wait for that day to come.
很多我做出來的作品也是送人的禮物。朋友們都問我為甚麼能捨得送出自己用心做的作品﹐大概是因為我比較喜歡看人家收到禮物時的樣子吧﹐那一種喜悅時常都會讓我一整天都喜在心頭。這是一種被需要的心理﹐可能是我真的很想被很多人需要吧。我嘗試利用很多不同的原料來做一些可愛也實用的作品。用食物和環保物料做原材料是我最近的新嘗試﹐ 我希望自己送出去的快樂能耐看一點﹐和實用一點。不會過沒多久便成為了不知道該不該丟掉的禮物。有一天可我我真的沒那麼忙的時候﹐ 老了心不野的時候會乖乖的安定下來弄一家小咖啡店來賣這些東西。希望到那個時候還有那種突然而來的靈感﹐ 和靈活的雙手做出精美的小品﹗